
A.T. monologues - Follow Adam and Frank on an epic 2,175 mile journey by foot.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Hello Goodbye

Well, this is It!  This is the moment I stop staring into the abyss and take another leap of faith.  I am retiring from my current occupation today, waiting to hear back from two architecture schools, and headed into the mountains for five months.  This is surreal.

For nearly four years I have worked at Analysis Group as a Litigation Research Assistant.  Originally on track to becoming an attorney after college I altered the course and entered the realm of economic and litigation consulting.  A.G. has been a very practical experience; it put food on my plate, a roof over my head, and lessons in my mind - I am grateful.  In the time since I deviated from big law I have re-turned to my passion; I will become an architect.

Now I embark on a week-long vacation in Cancun with Tiffany, followed by twelve days of trail preparation and logistics, then I will leave Boston for Virginia to see family and friends for two days, and finally down to Georgia to begin a new chapter in my story. 

"Thank you" to everyone!  I truly believe that I have been thrust into the most fortunate station in this existence. 

We are "condemned to be free"


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